The first step revolves around understanding and consulting. We want to make sure that your C1D1 Extraction Lab is designed to fit your company's needs. The C1D1 Labs team gathers information from your company and then creates a plan of action.
The heart of your C1D1 extraction lab is the hydrocarbon closed-loop system. Iron Fist Extractors will design a certified closed-loop system with the C1D1 Labs team based upon your needs in the initial consultation. Closed-loop hydrocarbon systems you can trust.
Skip the build-out and building permits. Our team takes into consideration your local ordinances to make sure your C1D1 Extraction Lab is ready to permit and license. Then engineers draw a C1D1 Extraction Room to perfectly fit your new machine.
Auxiliary equipment can make or break your C1D1 Extraction Lab. Having quality recovery pumps, vacuum pumps, and chillers can both save you time and increase capacity. Our C1D1 Labs team will outfit your machine and C1D1 Extraction Room with what you need to succeed.
Watch it all come together as our team installs your brand new C1D1 Extraction Lab. The Iron Fist Extractors closed-loop system will be assembled in the C1D1 Extraction Room. Auxiliary equipment will be connected to pass inspections and permitting!