Top Extraction Rooms For Cannabis Extraction

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Butane Extraction in a C1D1 extraction booth

With regulations sharpening within the cannabis industry, extraction companies are tightening up their safety requirements and complying to NFPA 1. With this change, the requirement for a class 1 division 1 extraction room has thrown a curve ball for many designers, builders, and extraction brands hazardous areas such as C1D1 Labs. Increasing building and engineering costs, creating new barriers of entry, and increasing requirements for the equipment itself, NFPA 1 has created several new challenges for business owners who are now required to get certified C1D1 extraction rooms and peer reviewed extraction equipment. This article is aimed to show you some of the benefits of having a C1D1 extraction room, and why C1D1 Labs is the best company to supply your extraction room, extraction equipment, and extraction engineering.

C1D1 Labs is one of the most well known brands in the cannabis extraction industry for supplying Class 1 Division 1 Extraction Rooms simply because of our goal to lower the client’s biggest barrier of entry in the industry: COST. There are several costs when designing and building a C1D1 extraction room that many may not think about while designing their first, or even second extraction laboratory. First, the engineering certifications required to meet NFPA 1 compliance normally requires the laboratory to design a room with a local engineer and then a different engineer who must have the proper experience in these cannabis extraction room reviews (most municipalities only allow a few engineers nation wide) has to then review the engineers design and write a technical report showing it’s compliance. This is what defines a 3rd party engineer peer review and it can be a nightmare trying to meet a PE engineer’s standards with your local engineer for a hazardous area. Going back and forth between these two engineers can be costly with the engineers work itself (reviews normally start around $10,000 by themselves) but you are going to add weeks if not months to your project. Anyone in the industry knows this is your biggest marginal cost if you are paying rent or expect pricing in the market. Having a pre-engineered and pre-certified Class 1 Division 1 Extraction room will save the engineering / design costs as well as the engineer peer review costs as well in addition to the time it would have taken these engineers to complete the work. In addition to the review costs, a UL control panel must be developed to meet the requirements of fan interlocks and e-stop functionality for an emergency situation. C1D1 Labs provides a digital control system for the class 1 division 1 cannabis extraction room that is UL listed and can control the power of the fans through VFDs. The system also has the built interlocks required by NFPA 1 to ensure your C1D1 extraction booth meets your fire marshal’s requirements. This panel would be costly and time consuming, adding to the costs and time length of this extraction room design and development.

gas sensor for butane extraction. Cannabis extraction equipment for a C1D1 extraction booth

Having a pre-engineered extraction room with the required engineer peer review that a C1D1 extraction booth has several more advantages for a cannabis extraction company. First, they are a step forward to making sure they are in full compliance with their insurance company. It isn’t well known that if there is an accident in your facility where someone gets hurt or the equipment / facility is damaged, it is very likely the insurance company will run an audit on your NFPA / local / state compliance in addition to requesting the mechanical engineering stamped designs for the ducting and HVAC connected to your C1D1 extraction room. Having the full A/MEP engineering documents for the building department in addition to a fire hazard analysis report and the correct certifications are normally required for any sort of payout in an accident. C1D1 Labs provides all of these services, in addition to equipment fabrication and supply. Having a well known fire protection engineering team supply the extraction equipment, extraction engineering, and Class 1 Division 1 extraction room and having our stamp on the supporting documents provides a strong confidence from your municipality when submitting for permits. Having these documents and a fire hazard analysis report stamped and submitted can shift liability away from the fire marshals who review your C1D1 extraction room, and place that liability onto our engineers. This is the secret sauce of cutting down permitting timelines / cost and protecting your company for long term success.

class 1 division 1 extraction room for cannabis extraction and manufacturing

There is an underlying theme of simplifying the purchasing and permitting of extraction equipment and class 1 division 1 cannabis extraction rooms by creating a permitting structure that shifts liability to the equipment company while at the same time allowing the client to only work with one chef in the kitchen when purchasing and permitting. Simplifying the team you are working with can exponentially speed up a project’s timeline when permitting a cannabis extraction room. This comes from personally watching architects and engineer’s egos clash with each other and the equipment engineers, creating longer timelines and costs for the client. C1D1 Labs was the first vertically integrated cannabis equipment company that was able to design, work with peer review engineers, fabricate, and distribute both certified extraction equipment and Class 1 Division 1 Cannabis Extraction Rooms while also providing the fire protection engineering, architectural design, and mechanical / electrical / plumbing engineering services that are included in our cannabis extraction lab permitting packages.

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